15 May 2007


I just realized that I had not yet posted a picture of my kitty - which is some sort of crime I think. This is Royce (the tiny little space kitty) He is named after the famous Royce the Spaceman, who I also just realized I have yet to post images of on this site. Anyway, Royce the kitty should be coming to live with me very soon I hope. Right now he is still in Michigan.
But soon he will be living at the Dover and bringing much merriment to all who live there.

Who doesn't love cake?

The Cake issue of Spoke is coming. Soon. Here is a taste of the wonders contained within this edition. What do you get when you combine dinosaurs and cake? You get a huge plate of awesome! Also if you look in the background of this photo you can just make out another awesome combination:

That's right! Good old Abe Lincoln. I love this picture so much. I love them both actually. They fill me with joy! Stay tuned for more fun with cake and updates about the latest issue of Spoke.