14 September 2010

Cultural references

So I created this series last night. Inspired by a weekend's worth of conversations and the things we talk about at parties or dinner and how absurd some of it is. Oh and of course the wide world of the Internet and commercials too.


I wanted to post a a few pages from various sketchbooks because I think they are kind of interesting and show how all the different ideas I am working with come together in my sketchbooks. And its been kind of great to look back and watch the development of the characters and ideas as I draw them over and over again.


So, for a while now I have been drawing these conversations between my characters. Usually the rabbit and the skull guy. In most of these the skull guy (I really need to give them names) is trying to convince the rabbit to do something vague like go away with him to see something, but the end isn't normally revealed. I love their exaggerated body movements and how dramatic the skull always looks.

Animal Heads

So one night I was messing about in my sketchbook and I happened to draw this image of an over-sized dinosaur head on one of the weird lanky bodies all of my characters seem to have. Well, earlier in the week I had read that article about how Triceratops isn't a real dinosaur anymore and had drawn a little Triceratops head. So then I drew it again later, but added the body and from that came this series of sketches. Not sure yet what will become of them just yet, but I know that they make me really happy.

13 September 2010

A new character joins the dance party

So, I am in dire need of updating this thing and posting all the work I have been doing lately. In fact I was sort of yelled at for not being more consistent with my posts, but here at least is a taste. The little guy in the middle has recently joined the cast of characters and is currently king of the dance party. More to come once I get it all scanned in.