01 August 2007

things with crowns

It seems that I have an affinity for drawing things with hats and crowns. Not sure why, but my doodles definitely reflect this trend. Also this is a new character Hambrosia. She came out of a conversation we were having at work about ham and how the idea of ham salad seems to evoke images of nursing homes- much like ambrosia. So then we thought why not hambrosia? And then it was decided we needed to have a little pig called Hambrosia. One of the my friends has recently written the story of Hambrosia soon to be a book published by Turning Panda Pres. Someday. But in the meantime here is a drawing of the lady in question. Somehow it seems fitting that she would be wearing a crown.

And these little guys are more top hat men dancing with a bear. Don't ask me why they are dancing with a bear... I guess a better question is why not dance with a bear? As long as it is a nice bear. But often there really is no rhyme or reason to my doodles. (Though of course looking at him now I kind of think he needs a hat of some kind. Or maybe a crown?)

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