22 October 2007

And then there was this...

I did this drawing intending it to be a background for other layers. But I have yet to find something to put on top of it that feels right. So far everything just sort of sits there and I end up taking it off. Maybe this one is meant to be a piece all on its own?

Two more drawings...

Oops! These somehow missed being a part of the other posting of the work I was doing for Around the Coyote. They are about 4 x 6 inches. I was doing a whole bunch of these little drawings and then putting them in simple clip frames I got from Ikea to hold all the layers together. Most of the work I am doing now is at least two or three layers, but the big one I did that is like 9 x 12 inches, that I have yet to post has at least five or six layers I think. Once I get a good image of it I will post it.

A-Oh-Cake With Us!

The third issue of Spoke is ready for consumption! Yay!
Check it out here: http://www.spokeisneat.org -it is pretty fabulous and there are tons of goodies in this one. The theme for the next one is "in transit" which should be a lot of fun.

Plethora of new work!

So its mid October and the Around the Coyote Fall Arts Festival has come and gone. I would say it went really well this time. I sold several pieces and got really good feedback on my current body of work. People really seemed to like all the layering, and they also enjoyed all the squids, octopi and other animals as well as the standard maplike qualities of my work. Here is a bunch of work for your viewing pleasure. I had a great time working on these.

Oh... and my housemate and I are really into unicorns and pegasuses right now- and the notion of a unicorn and pegaus caught in the middle of some kind of battle royale- Highlander style. This here is a drawing I did for an invitation to a party we had this last weekend. I love how tiny and angry he is.

10 October 2007

Cake: No longer a figment of our imaginations

I am proud to announce that the Cake issue of Spoke is finally just about finished! Whoo hoo! All the individual little bits and pieces are complete and now we just have to bundle them all up together and it is done! I know I have been saying we were almost done for a while. But this time it's the real deal! Everything has been printed, folded, stapled, stuck, sorted and stacked. It looks amazing if I do say so myself.

Also this weekend is Around the Coyote's Winter Arts Festival. I will be there with my newest work. I should post an image here of that work, but I have yet to scan or photograph any of it yet. Lots of octopi and salamanders and maps. I am on this strange kick right now where I am midly obsessed with salamanders, octopi and squids. Not sure why. Maybe the absurdity of the pairings of these animals. The strange implied narrative that comes to mind when you see them. Lots of layering and maps and little surprises.