10 October 2007

Cake: No longer a figment of our imaginations

I am proud to announce that the Cake issue of Spoke is finally just about finished! Whoo hoo! All the individual little bits and pieces are complete and now we just have to bundle them all up together and it is done! I know I have been saying we were almost done for a while. But this time it's the real deal! Everything has been printed, folded, stapled, stuck, sorted and stacked. It looks amazing if I do say so myself.

Also this weekend is Around the Coyote's Winter Arts Festival. I will be there with my newest work. I should post an image here of that work, but I have yet to scan or photograph any of it yet. Lots of octopi and salamanders and maps. I am on this strange kick right now where I am midly obsessed with salamanders, octopi and squids. Not sure why. Maybe the absurdity of the pairings of these animals. The strange implied narrative that comes to mind when you see them. Lots of layering and maps and little surprises.

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